School of Philosophy
A series of 4 webinars on Ancient Greek Dance, its history, philosophy and aesthetics. Open free of charge to dance teachers and others, after application. Working language is English. Studentrs can receive International Certification diploma.
Schedule: Every Thursday from 26/11/2020 to 17/12/2020, 20:00 to 22:00 Central European time. Link:* Meeting ID: 850 1190 7380 Passcode: UPrRY6
*Please connect 15min. earlier if you need to test your zoom link
Offered by: Orchesis Study Group of the Dora Stratou Theatre, active since 1992,,
Organizer: Dora Stratou Dance Theater and School, Athens, the national institution for Greek dance, music and costume since 1953
Contact & information:
WhatsApp +306970129707
1. Opening by the President Prof. Dr. Alkis Raftis ( & Presentation by the Coordinator Prof. Dr. Anna Lazou (
3. Invited lecturer(s)
4. Open discussion (questions & remarks)
5. Experiential online dance class
6. Conclusion and closure
For international Certification in Ancient Greek Orchesis 1st, 2nd or 3rd Level, students register as Members of the CID at UNESCO, Paris Hours of online active attendance plus passing a test are required.
Program of Speakers
1. Thu Nov. 26 2020, at 20.00 Orchesis in Drama
Anna Lazou (Ass. prof.), Laura Gianvittorio-Ungar (Dr), Adamantia Angeli (Mrs)
2. Thu Dec. 03 2020, at 20.00 Reconstructing Ancient Greek Dance
Harry Sepentzis (Mr), Andriana Papanikolaou (Mrs), Anna Lazou (Ass. Prof.)
3. Thu Dec. 10 2020, at 20.00 Dancing Traditions
Lucia Athanassaki (Prof.), Aikaterini Lefka (Dr), Anastasia Baou (MSc, MA), Anahit Saribekyan (Mrs)