English homepage » The School » Aims

The fundamental purpose of the School of Philosophy is the promotion of Arts and Humanities through research and teaching.

Within this general framework, the School aims

  • to train researchers in the fields of Philosophy, Classics, Medieval and Modern Literatures, Linguistcs, History, Archaeology, Theatre and Music Studies, Psychology and Education.
  • to train Secondary Education teachers of the subjects related to the School: Language(s) and Literature (Classical and Modern), History, Philosophy and Psychology.
  • to provide pedagogical and psychological training to Students of other Schools of the University (mainly Science and Theology) who are offered the possibility of a career as Secondary Education teachers
  • to produce a significant body of research and relevant publications in all the fields corresponding to its twelve Faculties and their Departments.

The School considers it part of its general purpose to ensure that all the training provided and the research conducted within it are permeated by  the humanist principles as they have developed through the ages: respect for humans, animals and the environment, as well as respect for all types of freedom, including the freedom of choice and the freedom of thought and its expression. Our ambition is to provide society with researchers and teachers who are at once knowledgeable, open-minded and fair.