School of Philosophy
The Council of the School consists, according to current laws, of the Dean, the Heads of all the School's Faculties and of one elected student representative for each Faculty. Heads of Faculties are elected by secret ballot, by the teaching staff, the teaching and research assistants and technicians and the students of each Faculty (55%, 5% and 40% of the vote respectively). The Dean is elected by the combined electoral bodies of all the Faculties.
The Council of the School:
i) advises the relevant bodies on the University's four-year academic and development programme in respect to the School,
ii) approves and co-ordinates interdepartmental study programmes leading to Degrees awarded by the School's Faculties and co-ordinates the Faculties' study programmes,
iii) co-ordinates the Faculties' proposals for new Teaching and Research posts and submits them to the Rector's Board
iv) makes decisions about the nature and the organizations of the services provided by the Dean's Office and about the placement and status of specialized technical and educational staff in the laboratories or clinics of the School.
The Dean:
i. calls and chairs the meetings of the School's General Assembly and Council
ii. co-ordinates the Faculties' shared lecture courses
iii. directs the Dean's Office Services
iv. is responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly and the Council
v. organizes committees to deal with specific issues
The Council of the School as all other university governing bodies, following a circular of the Ministry of Education, still function on the basis of law 1268/1982, as modified by law 3549/2007.